The Cursed scanner of Doom and Death, from the fire legions of Hell...
I had a few troubles with my MacBook (namely Ghoul, after naming it Zombie to be laughed at by a friend of mine, a mean friend of mine, who told me she didn't know I was such a big fan of the Cranberries, damnit) and my Epson F3200 scanner. This scanner is my (well, one of my...) arch-enemy, it is responsible for many sleepless drunky nights... Anyway, apart from being obviously spawned by hellish creatures to torture me, it is a great scanner and it does good what it is supposed to do, scanning negatives... when it does it.
I thought he on a Mac it should be piece of cake to use that, what with Mac being the instrument of choice for all graphic designers, digitalphotographers and other artistic beings... Yes. But...
I bought the scanner in january this year, I bought Ghoul (shutup Charlotte!!) in august this year. In the mean time Mac had gone to Intel architecture, the install CD in the scanner box was still on a previous incarnation of osX... And no, I didn't think about upgrading that on the Net before cursing all my ancestors (and a few more) because I was such a loser, etc.
I went to and fiddled around a bit to get the new version of the F3200 stuff, made for the Intel Macs. I installed it after another swearing part (because it comes in a .sit file for which I didn't have the extractor, and I had to install that as well, jeez, why not a good old tar.gz huh ?...) and now, thanks to the help of a third party software: SilverFast (something german, it ought to be good, or at least square!), I can start again my scanning activities... Oh joy!
After one test scan I wanted to edit the picture with the Gimp, which I installed courtesy of DarwinPorts, only to be yelled at by the Ghoul... Somehow even if I was running X11 (as I always do, hey, don't look at me that way!!) the display thingy option bugger didn't seem to fit... I was saved by a BSDist and add the following line in the .profile file:
export DISPLAY=:0 gimp
And now all is well and the sheeps are well garded (doesn't make any sense?, it's OK, it is a french idiom).
Sometimes I think, but most of the time it's too late...
I thought he on a Mac it should be piece of cake to use that, what with Mac being the instrument of choice for all graphic designers, digitalphotographers and other artistic beings... Yes. But...
I bought the scanner in january this year, I bought Ghoul (shutup Charlotte!!) in august this year. In the mean time Mac had gone to Intel architecture, the install CD in the scanner box was still on a previous incarnation of osX... And no, I didn't think about upgrading that on the Net before cursing all my ancestors (and a few more) because I was such a loser, etc.
I went to and fiddled around a bit to get the new version of the F3200 stuff, made for the Intel Macs. I installed it after another swearing part (because it comes in a .sit file for which I didn't have the extractor, and I had to install that as well, jeez, why not a good old tar.gz huh ?...) and now, thanks to the help of a third party software: SilverFast (something german, it ought to be good, or at least square!), I can start again my scanning activities... Oh joy!
After one test scan I wanted to edit the picture with the Gimp, which I installed courtesy of DarwinPorts, only to be yelled at by the Ghoul... Somehow even if I was running X11 (as I always do, hey, don't look at me that way!!) the display thingy option bugger didn't seem to fit... I was saved by a BSDist and add the following line in the .profile file:
export DISPLAY=:0 gimp
And now all is well and the sheeps are well garded (doesn't make any sense?, it's OK, it is a french idiom).
Sometimes I think, but most of the time it's too late...
Yo! There might be another solution with a software called
You have to pay but at least you can try if it works under BSD/Linux
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