
Toward FreeBSD Step #3

I had a long and strange day at work.

Some hard nerding back home should help me to get rid of it!

On my "light" & console mode freeBSD brand new installation I tried to mount my Linux partitions (ext3) where I have all my personnal data (140G).

It seems there is no native way of having read/write on a ext3 filesystem.

Seems I have to recompile the kernel with ext2fs option... but in this case I still won't have ext3 journalised behavior, my files will be mounted as ext2 without journal...

So what? Will there be a "Toward freeBSD #4" ?


Blogger hern42 said...

"FreeBSD supports the ext3 filesystem in read-only mode, which can be a barrier to interoperability for some users. That's still better than Linux's non-support for UFS."

I guess all have been said there (it was in a review of FreeBSD6.0 at NewsForge), so well... Farewell my friend it will probably be.

9/02/2006 10:10 am  
Blogger Long Wei said...

It seems it can work with ext3, as ext2 in read/write but without journalising and with freebsd 6.1 and a custom configuration of the kernel. The question is, how bad this will be? And how difficult for me to tune my box....

Concerning linux, it seems there is support for UFS (see here and here) but I don't know how good this works.

This raise a big issue. I don't want to be stick to any specific file system... but it seems I am already, and if I switch to BSD It will be the same...

Why not put all my data on a FAT32 fs(I'm just kidding)

9/02/2006 7:02 pm  

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