Me and a bottle of Wine.
Let's face it, running W2K on an old Celeron 1Ghz 256Mo to do some dev things (especially Java) is usually one of the best ways to summon my nemesis: Your system lacks virtua
l memory + infernal swapping mode ON. Damn it!
Phase One : Preserving the integrity (or trying to do so)
Damn Small Linux (DSL) saved my day a couple of time by allowing me to backup the MBR [1](turning on your office PC with the non bootable disk welcome message might be a stre
ssing situation the fact that this is entirely due to my own silliness is totally irrelevant here :) !).
dd if=/dev/hda of=backup_mbr count=1 bs=512
Phase Two: Trying to be casual
Debian ('cause I'm not sufficiently desperate to opt for a FreeBSD distro right now ... but who knows !)
[Enter Sarge] The installation process ran smooth[3]. At least until I want to disable X at startup.
update-rc.d stop xdm 6 5 4 3 2 1. leads to nowhere for mysterious reasons. This is not the case with:
update-rc.d remove -f xdm
So much for X.
Phase Three: Did I miss something?
[Enter Boss] What's your opinion on the last mail from M.Yellow? [waiting for an immediate reaction]
[Me not so casual] Well ... [su reboot ... choosing the I'm on a really top urgent thing right now approach and looking annoyed ] I have not read it yet ...
[... 2' ... Enter W2K ... 2' ... Enter Lotus] ...
Phase Four: Bring me some Wine!
Yes I know, running Lotus Notes should be definitively prohibited. Unfortunately one must not rely too much on common sense here.
A quick glance at Wine puts me into a quantum state:
- Waouw this is it! Let's try it...
- No binary for Sarge. No time (nor skills) to do a backport myself. Let's transform my linux's partition into freespace for M$.
A few nano seconds later I was upgrading to the unstable distro [2] :)
Next, I changed the /etc/atpt/sources.list to include links to wine packages (no need to set the preference file as no prior packages was in conflict [4]). A cp -r of my M$ n
otes directory and I prostrate myself before my desk.
There is a god somewhere!
Final thoughts.
I'd wished I've been stealthy during all theses steps but with downloads exceending the Go the chance is that I won my place on a blacklist... (Just one week after having rec
eived a mail which politely reminds us of the network's good practices. How funny!)
Notes & References :
[1] Some people also backup the partition's table with :
sfdisk -d /dev/hda > backup_pt
[2] do not forget to install debian with kernel 2.6 BEFORE upgrading to unstable.
[3] In the initial installation process if you set up your clock with funny values do not forget the hwclock command (perfect with ntpdate).
[4] The first time I tried to install wine apt-get was unable to locate wine. I still don't know why so I downloaded the files manually and installed them with dpkg -i (good
luck with the dependencies :()
l memory + infernal swapping mode ON. Damn it!
Phase One : Preserving the integrity (or trying to do so)
Damn Small Linux (DSL) saved my day a couple of time by allowing me to backup the MBR [1](turning on your office PC with the non bootable disk welcome message might be a stre
ssing situation the fact that this is entirely due to my own silliness is totally irrelevant here :) !).
dd if=/dev/hda of=backup_mbr count=1 bs=512
Phase Two: Trying to be casual
Debian ('cause I'm not sufficiently desperate to opt for a FreeBSD distro right now ... but who knows !)
[Enter Sarge] The installation process ran smooth[3]. At least until I want to disable X at startup.
update-rc.d stop xdm 6 5 4 3 2 1. leads to nowhere for mysterious reasons. This is not the case with:
update-rc.d remove -f xdm
So much for X.
Phase Three: Did I miss something?
[Enter Boss] What's your opinion on the last mail from M.Yellow? [waiting for an immediate reaction]
[Me not so casual] Well ... [su reboot ... choosing the I'm on a really top urgent thing right now approach and looking annoyed ] I have not read it yet ...
[... 2' ... Enter W2K ... 2' ... Enter Lotus] ...
Phase Four: Bring me some Wine!
Yes I know, running Lotus Notes should be definitively prohibited. Unfortunately one must not rely too much on common sense here.
A quick glance at Wine puts me into a quantum state:
- Waouw this is it! Let's try it...
- No binary for Sarge. No time (nor skills) to do a backport myself. Let's transform my linux's partition into freespace for M$.
A few nano seconds later I was upgrading to the unstable distro [2] :)
Next, I changed the /etc/atpt/sources.list to include links to wine packages (no need to set the preference file as no prior packages was in conflict [4]). A cp -r of my M$ n
otes directory and I prostrate myself before my desk.
There is a god somewhere!
Final thoughts.
I'd wished I've been stealthy during all theses steps but with downloads exceending the Go the chance is that I won my place on a blacklist... (Just one week after having rec
eived a mail which politely reminds us of the network's good practices. How funny!)
Notes & References :
[1] Some people also backup the partition's table with :
sfdisk -d /dev/hda > backup_pt
[2] do not forget to install debian with kernel 2.6 BEFORE upgrading to unstable.
[3] In the initial installation process if you set up your clock with funny values do not forget the hwclock command (perfect with ntpdate).
[4] The first time I tried to install wine apt-get was unable to locate wine. I still don't know why so I downloaded the files manually and installed them with dpkg -i (good
luck with the dependencies :()
Note to myself :
Check this one for an alternative version of 'saving the mbr' :
(use of bs=446 to exclude the partition table of the backup)
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