
Portable carnivale ?

My ipaq rx3715 a great PDA but its screen is only 320x200. This is not a big problem nevertheless when I watch some Carnival episodes on it , as my files are encoded in divx 640x480 the rendering is too slow. Here is a minimalistic command line to reencode these video files. I am not fully satisfied of the options, but at least, it gives a 200Mo files for 1 hours of videa with a pretty good quality and smooth rendering.
    mencoder carnivale-1_09.avi -vf scale=320:-2 -sws 1 -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=600 -o carnivale-1_09_PDA.avi
It takes 5 to 10 minutes to process a file. For your information, shame on me, I am using windows mobile and TCPMP (The Core Pocket Media Player) as video player. I should be able soon to switch to linux, but that's another story.


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